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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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A novel modeling approach looking at prey densities through the lens of right whale feeding has potential to aid conservation.
Photo: C. finmarchicus, Cameron R. S. Thompson; Right whale NOAA/NEFSC/Christin Khan (MMPA Permit #17355)

Ross CH, Runge JA, Roberts JJ, Brady DC, Tupper B, Record NR

Estimating North Atlantic right whale prey based on Calanus finmarchicus thresholds

Critically endangered North Atlantic right whales feed on the copepod Calanus finmarchicus. Recent climate-driven regime shifts have made management of right whales difficult. With the goal of improving right whale habitat models, Ross and co-authors developed a novel C. finmarchicus modeling approach predicting prey concentrations through the lens of right whale feeding requirements. Incorporating this new method of quantifying prey availability into right whale decision support tools has the potential to aid endangered species management.


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