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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 714 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 714 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2023 Inter-Research. Published July 13
Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by are freely available to all users.
Marques TA, Thomas L, Booth CG, Garrison LP, Rosel PE, Takeshita R, Mullin KD, Schwacke L
Population consequences of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on pelagic cetaceans
MEPS 714:1-14 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format


Fincham JI, Ellis JR, Veneziano A, Barry J
The diversity of demersal assemblages of the western English Channel and the Celtic Sea
MEPS 714:15-25 | Full text in pdf format

Appert C, Udyawer V, Simpfendorfer CA, Heupel MR, Scott M, Currey-Randall LM, Harborne AR, Jaine F, Chin A
Use, misuse, and ambiguity of indices of residence in acoustic telemetry studies
MEPS 714:27-44 | Full text in pdf format

Tettelbach ST, Czaja RE Jr, Tobi H, Hughes SWT, Peterson BJ, Heck SM, MacGregor J, DeLany F, Scannell BJ, Pales Espinosa E, Allam B
Collapse of the New York Bay scallop fishery despite sustained larval and juvenile recruitment
MEPS 714:45-56 | Full text in pdf format

Miller E, Spanier E, Diamant R, Yahel R
Nature reserves facilitate conservation of the Mediterranean slipper lobster Scyllarides latus
MEPS 714:57-69 | Full text in pdf format

Day J, Knott NA, Ayre D, Byrne M
Effects of habitat on predation of ecologically important sea urchin species on east coast Australian temperate reefs in tethering experiments
MEPS 714:71-86 | Full text in pdf format

Smith AB, Fischer-McMorrow I, Kolbeinsson Y, Rasmussen M, Shero MR, McElwaine JN, Jones OR, Mooney TA
Sensitive aerial hearing within a noisy nesting soundscape in a deep-diving seabird, the common murre Uria aalge
MEPS 714:87-104 | Full text in pdf format


Toumi C, Gauthier O, Thiébaut É, Guedes C, Grall J
Taxonomic surrogates for long-term macrobenthic community monitoring: an application with community trajectory analysis
MEPS 714:105-111 | Full text in pdf format

Ishida-Castañeda J, Iguchi A, Sakai K
Changes in DNA methylation in response to heat stress and symbiotic conditions in coral primary polyps
MEPS 714:113-117 | Full text in pdf format