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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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A white shark investigates the camera during a photographic capture-recapture survey conducted off Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA.

Photo: Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, Research Supported by Atlantic White Shark Conservancy

Winton MV, Fay G, Skomal GB

An open spatial capture-recapture framework for estimating the abundance and seasonal dynamics of white sharks at aggregation sites

The recent emergence of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA, as a seasonal white shark aggregation site provided a unique opportunity to generate the first estimate of abundance for the species in the western North Atlantic. Winton et al. conducted an intensive photographic mark-recapture survey and developed a novel spatial modeling framework to accommodate the species’ highly migratory habits. They found that white shark numbers peaked in the late summer and early fall and estimated that approximately 800 individuals visited the site from 2015 to 2018. The results provide an important baseline that can be used to monitor the performance of conservation measures in the region and suggest Cape Cod is among the larger white shark hotspots worldwide.


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