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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 719 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 719 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2023 Inter-Research. Published September 21
Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by are freely available to all users.
Ruggerone GT, Springer AM, van Vliet GB, Connors B, Irvine JR, Shaul LD, Sloat MR, Atlas WI
From diatoms to killer whales: impacts of pink salmon on North Pacific ecosystems
MEPS 719:1-40 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format


Washburn L, Brzezinski MA, Gotschalk C, Mylonakis K, Garcia-Cervera C, Kui L
Phytoplankton transport out of the euphotic zone by frontal subduction and gravitational sinking in the Santa Barbara Channel, CA, USA
MEPS 719:41-63 | Full text in pdf format

Saluta GG, Ralph GM, Knick KE, Seebo MS, Lipcius RN
Lethal and sublethal effects of simulated dredged sediment deposition on overwintering blue crabs Callinectes sapidus
MEPS 719:65-75 | Full text in pdf format

Rudershausen PJ, Lombardo SM, Stilson GR, O’Donnell MJ
Relating absolute abundance of an estuarine fish to habitat area in an urbanizing environment
MEPS 719:77-92 | Full text in pdf format

James SE, Pakhomov EA, Johnson BT, Hunt BPV
Migration timing affects the foraging ecology of Fraser River sockeye salmon stocks in coastal waters of British Columbia, Canada
MEPS 719:93-108 | Full text in pdf format

McAllister LT, Van Leeuwen TE, Conway C, Wälle M, Abrahams M
Effect of sea cage aquaculture on the length, weight, and condition of wild Atlantic cod Gadus morhua
MEPS 719:109-123 | Full text in pdf format