Inter-Research > MEPS > v725 > feature  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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A relatively small whelk Rapana venosa is feeding on a comparatively large oyster.

Photo: Nan Hu

Hu N, Huang Y, Yu Z, Zhang T, Liu D, Lee M

Handling- or digestion-limited predators: the role of body mass and habitat complexity in predator functional response

In this first study of its kind, the feeding interactions of marine whelks and bivalves are examined, highlighting the handling limitations of marine whelks as predators. The study categorizes predators into two main categories: digestion-limited and handling-limited. The handling-limited predators are further classified into pursuit-limited and ingestion-limited types, influenced by various factors including habitat complexity and predator-prey body mass ratios. The study reveals a nuanced relationship between handling time and body mass ratios, indicating a transition from handling to digestion limitations. It underscores the significance of prey types in determining feeding interactions and offers a refined perspective on predator-prey dynamics in complex marine ecosystems.


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