Alongi DM, Zimmer M
Blue carbon biomass stocks but not sediment stocks or burial rates exhibit global patterns in re-established mangrove chronosequences: a meta-analysis
MEPS 733:27-42 | Full text in pdf format
Dennis LE, Favoretto F, Balart EF, Munguía-Vega A, Sánchez-Ortiz C, Paz-García DA
Isolation by disturbance: a pattern of genetic structure of the coral Pocillopora grandis in the Gulf of California
MEPS 733:43-57 | Full text in pdf format
Kozal LC, Nelson JC, Hofmann GE
Kelp-associated variability in seawater chemistry during a marine heatwave event connects to transgenerational effects in the purple urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
MEPS 733:59-77 | Full text in pdf format
Hunt GL, Engelhard GH, Pinnegar JK, Barry J, Wigham BD, Polunin NVC
Long-term change in a North Sea inshore fish assemblage between 1899-1913 and 2018-2019
MEPS 733:79-93 | Full text in pdf format
Duncan SE, Hagen W, Fock HO
Mesopelagic fish assemblages in the Mauritanian Upwelling System off Northwest Africa with oxygen as a major driving force
MEPS 733:95-110 | Full text in pdf format
van der Veer HW, Witte JIJ, Flege P, van der Molen J, Poiesz SSH
Spatial and temporal variability in larval connectivity of North Sea plaice Pleuronectes platessa between spawning grounds and coastal European nurseries
MEPS 733:111-127 | Full text in pdf format
Voss JN, Sandbank E, Glazer RA, Delgado GA
Aftereffects of Hurricanes Irma and Ian on queen conch Aliger gigas in the Florida Keys, USA
MEPS 733:129-135 | Full text in pdf format
Vallim AL, Schenone S, Thrush SF
Megafauna: the ignored bioturbators
MEPS 733:137-144 | Full text in pdf format