Inter-Research > MEPS > v735 > c_p27-41  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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Correction to MEPS 735:27-41 (2024) - DOI:

Correction to MEPS 735: 27–41 (2024) - DOI:

Seasonal dynamic of the benthic food web in subtidal sandbanks

A. E. Robert*, N. Quillien, M. Bacha, C. Caulle, M. Nexer, B. Parent, T. Garlan, A. Carpentier, R. Amara, N. Desroy

*Corresponding author:

June 13, 2024:

The last author, N. Desroy, was incorrectly affiliated to Address #1 (France Energies Marines) instead of Address #2 (IFREMER). This has now been corrected.

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