Inter-Research > MEPS > v735 > p125-140  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 735:125-140 (2024)  -  DOI:

Salmon shark seasonal site fidelity demonstrates the influence of scale on identifying potential high-use areas and vulnerabilities

Natalie S. Arnoldi1,*, Aaron B. Carlisle2, Samantha Andrzejaczek1, Michael R. Castleton1, Fiorenza Micheli1,3, Robert J. Schallert1, Timothy D. White4, Barbara A. Block1

1Departments of Biology and Oceans, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University, Pacific Grove, CA 93950, USA
2School of Marine Science and Policy, University of Delaware, Lewes, DE 19958, USA
3Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions, Pacific Grove, CA 93950, USA
4Global Fishing Watch, Washington, DC 20036, USA
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Considering habitat use throughout the whole range of a highly mobile marine species is necessary to understand life history, identify vulnerabilities, and inform effective management. We used satellite tagging data from 128 adult female salmon sharks Lamna ditropis to identify seasonal hotspots of activity in an extended California Current region (ECCR; encompassing the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem), an area far away from their well-described primary habitat in the Alaska Downwelling Region where they have been documented, but whose utility has been poorly understood. Tag track durations had a mean of 447.7 ± 381 d, and 88 sharks (68.8%) visited the ECCR, comprising 33.6% of 28019 total daily Argos detections. Tracking data revealed that the timing and duration of migrations to the ECCR varied, but salmon shark distribution within the ECCR displayed consistent latitudinal shifts in accordance with regional oceanographic seasons. High site fidelity across multi-year tracks to high-productivity features, such as sea banks, and previously published knowledge of salmon shark life history suggest that the ECCR provides important foraging habitat which may be linked to reproductive success. The data reveal high overlap of salmon shark distribution with cumulative fishing effort collected by Global Fishing Watch for 2012-2019, particularly around seasonal hotspots, suggesting that female salmon sharks might be at risk of fisheries encounters. Collectively, our findings emphasize the importance of the ECCR in salmon shark life history and demonstrate the influence of spatial and temporal scale on interpretation of large movement data sets and identification of critical habitat outside of well-studied regions.

KEY WORDS: Salmon shark · Lamna ditropis · Migration · Site fidelity · Hotspots · Fisheries interaction

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Cite this article as: Arnoldi NS, Carlisle AB, Andrzejaczek S, Castleton MR and others (2024) Salmon shark seasonal site fidelity demonstrates the influence of scale on identifying potential high-use areas and vulnerabilities. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 735:125-140.

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