Inter-Research > MEPS > v740 > p43-60  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 740:43-60 (2024)  -  DOI:

Vertical distribution of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas larvae and modeling larval transport in Hiroshima Bay, Japan

Goh Onitsuka1,*, Katsuyuki Abo1, Tadashi Matsubara1, Ken-ichiro Mizuno2, Shun-ichiro Ikeda3,6, Takafumi Sato3,7, Tomoyuki Shikata4, Toshimitsu Onduka1, Masami Hamaguchi5

1Hatsukaichi Field Station, Fisheries Technology Institute, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 739-0452, Japan
2Fisheries and Marine Technology Center, Hiroshima Prefectural Technology Research Institute, Kure, Hiroshima 737-1207, Japan
3Hiroshima City Fisheries Promotion Center, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima 733-0833, Japan
4Goto Field Station, Fisheries Technology Institute, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, Goto, Nagasaki 853-0508, Japan
5Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Fukui Prefectural University, Obama, Fukui 917-0116, Japan
6Present address: Environmental Conservation Division Noise and Air Pollution Section, Environment Bureau, the City of Hiroshima, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-8586, Japan
7Present address: Fisheries Division, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Department, Economic Affairs and Tourism Bureau, the City of Hiroshima, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-8586, Japan
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Understanding vertical distribution of planktonic larvae is essential for elucidating larval dispersal and recruitment processes. We investigated the vertical distribution and horizontal transport of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas larvae by field observations and numerical simulations during their main spawning season in Hiroshima Bay, Japan. In field observations, despite horizontal differences and slight diurnal/semi-diurnal changes depending on larval sizes, most larvae were distributed in the upper 3 m layer. The relationship between C. gigas larvae and environmental conditions revealed that larval density increased with increasing temperature and chlorophyll a concentration, and the density peaked at salinity of approximately 20 for all larval sizes. The observed results suggest that the distribution characteristics of C. gigas larvae are suitable for survival in an estuarine area, where environmental conditions are potentially favorable but hydrodynamic conditions can drastically change over the short term due to variations in river discharge. To examine the effect of high river discharge on larval transport, numerical simulations were conducted using a particle-tracking model incorporating the vertical motion of C. gigas larvae. The simulation results reproduced the spatio-temporal dynamics of planktonic and settled larvae after the high river discharge. Although most particles simulating larvae outflowed from the main spawning area, an area of high particle density at the end of simulation corresponded with the offshore area for seedling collection. The present study suggests the role of vertical distribution of C. gigas larvae for recruitment, and the prospect of sustainability in oyster aquaculture with respect to seedling collection despite the frequent heavy rainfall associated with climate change.

KEY WORDS: Oyster larvae · Vertical distribution · Spatio-temporal dynamics · Particle-tracking model · River discharge · Settlement · Seedling collection

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Cite this article as: Onitsuka G, Abo K, Matsubara T, Mizuno Ki and others (2024) Vertical distribution of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas larvae and modeling larval transport in Hiroshima Bay, Japan. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 740:43-60.

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