Phytoplankton community composition as a driver of annual autochthonous organic carbon dynamics in the northern coastal Baltic Sea
Catharina Uth*, Eero Asmala, Aleksandra M. Lewandowska
*Corresponding author:
November 7, 2024:
The units of the export fluxes in Fig. 5 (p. 19) and all the corresponding numbers in text (Abstract, Section 3.2 and Section 4.3) have been corrected.
Furthermore, in Section 4.3 on p. 22, the text beginning ‘Our results showed an order of magnitude higher POC export …’ has been revised to:
‘Our results show a similar POC export as found in the Landsort Deep at 50 m, but a slightly higher export compared to deeper sites in the open Baltic Sea (Gotland Basin) (Cisterna-Novoa et al. 2019), indicating that site specific characteristics, depth and time of the year are important factors regulating POC flux from surface waters to the seafloor. The highest respiration in various benthic habitats of the coastal Baltic Sea is typically between June and August (Attard et al. 2019). The respiration on coastal bare sand habitats in August is 40 mmol C m–2 d–1 (Attard et al. 2019), which equals 71% of the carbon export from the pelagic system. This shows a match in pelagic carbon export and benthic respiration, suggesting that the carbon sinking from the pelagic system in August is mainly used by the benthic communities and only a small fraction is either permanently buried in the sediment or transported laterally to other areas where it is remineralised.’