Inter-Research > MEPS > v92  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 92 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 1993 Inter-Research.

All full articles in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.
Hudon, C, Crawford, R. E., Ingram, R. G.
Influence of physical forcing on the spatial distribution of marine fauna near Resolution Island (eastern Hudson Strait)
MEPS 92:1-14 | Full text in pdf format

Chesney, E. J.
A model of survival and growth of striped Pass larvae Morone saxatilis in the Potomac River, 1987
MEPS 92:15-25 | Full text in pdf format

Otake, T., Nogami, K., Maruyama, K.
Dissolved and particulate organic matter as possible food sources for eel leptocephali
MEPS 92:27-34 | Full text in pdf format

Theilacker, G. H., Lo, N. C. H., Townsend, A. W.
An immunochemical approach to quantifying predation by euphausnds on the early stages of anchovy
MEPS 92:35-50 | Full text in pdf format

Dilling, L., Alldredge, A. L.
Can chaetognath fecal pellets contribute significantly to carbon flux?
MEPS 92:51-58 | Full text in pdf format

Marchant, H. J., Scott, F. J.
Uptake of sub-micrometre particles and dissolved organic materal by Antarctic choanoflagellates
MEPS 92:59-64 | Full text in pdf format

Baranovic, A., Solic, M., Vucetic, T., Krstulovic, N.
Temporal fluctuations of zooplankton and bacteria in the middle Adriatic Sea
MEPS 92:65-75 | Full text in pdf format

Cochlan, W. P., Wikner, J., Steward, G. R, Smith, D. C., Azam, F.
Spatial distribution of viruses, bacteria and chlorophyll a in nentic, oceanic and estuarme environments
MEPS 92:77-87 | Full text in pdf format

Martinez, J., Azam, F.
Penplasmic aminopeptidase and alkaline phosphatase activities in a marine bacterium- implications for substrate processing in the sea
MEPS 92:89-97 | Full text in pdf format

Suttle, C. A., Chan, A. M.
Marine cyanophages infecting oceanic and coastal strains of Synechococcus: abundance, morphology, cross-infectivity and growth characteristics
MEPS 92:99-109 | Full text in pdf format

Smith, R. E. H., D'Souza, F. M. L.
Macromolecular labelling patterns and inorganic nutrient limitation of a North Atlantic spring bloom
MEPS 92:111-118 | Full text in pdf format

Selmer, J.-S., Rydberg, L.
Effects of nutrient discharge by river water and waste water on the nitrogen dynamics in the archipeligo of Goteborg, Sweden
MEPS 92:119-133 | Full text in pdf format

Turner, R. E.
Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus leaching rates from Spartina alterniflora salt marshes
MEPS 92:135-140 | Full text in pdf format

Judge, M. L., Coen, L. D., Heck, K. L. Jr
Does Mercenaha mercenaha encounter elevated food levels in seagrass beds? Results from a novel technique to collect suspended food resources
MEPS 92:141-150 | Full text in pdf format

Dando, P. R., Spiro, B.
Varying nutritional dependence of the thyasirid oivalves Thyasira sarsi and T. equalis on chemoautotrophic symbiotic bacteria, demonstrated by isotope ratios of tissue carbon and shell carbonate
MEPS 92:151-158 | Full text in pdf format

Shields, J. D., Wood, R E. I.
Impact of parasites on the reproduction and fecundity of the blue sand crab Portunus pelagicus from Moreton Bay, Australia
MEPS 92:159-170 | Full text in pdf format

Fernandez, M., Iribame, O., Armstrong, D.
Habitat selection by young-of-the-year Dungeness crab Cancer magister and predation risk in intertidal habitats
MEPS 92:171-177 | Full text in pdf format

Hunt, A.
Effects of contrasting patterns of larval dispersal on the genetic connectedness of local populations of two mtertidai starfish, Patiriella calcar and P. exigua
MEPS 92:179-186 | Full text in pdf format

Navarrete, S. A., Castilla, J. C.
Predation by Norway rats in the intertidal zone of central Chile
MEPS 92:187-199 | Full text in pdf format

Coulon, P., Jangoux, M.
Feeding rate and sediment reworking by the holothuroid Holothuria tubulosa (Echinodermata) in a Mediterranean seagrass bed off Ischia Island, Italy
MEPS 92:201-204 | Full text in pdf format

Clarke, K. R., Ainsworth, M.
A method of linking multivariate community structure to environmental variables
MEPS 92:205-219 | Full text in pdf format

Warwick, R. M., Clarke, K. R.
Comparing the severity of disturbance: a metaanalysis of marine macrobenthic community data
MEPS 92:221-232 | Full text in pdf format

Agard, J. B. R., Gobin, J., Warwick, R. M.
Analysis of marine macrobenthic community structure in relation to pollution, natural oil seepage and seasonal disturbance in a tropical environment (Trinidad, West Indies)
MEPS 92:233-243 | Full text in pdf format

Enoksson, V.
Nutrient recycling by coastal sediments: effects of added algal material
MEPS 92:245-254 | Full text in pdf format

Van Veghel, M. L. J., Bak, R. P. M.
Intraspecific variation of a dominant Caribbean reef building coral, Montastrea annularis: genetic, behavioral and morphometric aspects
MEPS 92:255-265 | Full text in pdf format

Gattuso, J.-P., Yellowlees, D., Lesser, M.
Depth- and light-dependent variation of carbon partitioning and utilization in the zooxanthellate sclerac-tinian coral Stylophora pistillata
MEPS 92:267-276 | Full text in pdf format

France, S. C.
Geographic variation among three isolated populations of the hadal amphipod Hirondellea gigas (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea)
MEPS 92:277-287 | Full text in pdf format

Estrada, M., Marrasé, C, Latasa, M., Berdalet, E., Delgado, M., Riera, T.
Variability of deep chlorophyll maximum characteristics in the Northwestern Mediterranean
MEPS 92:289-300 | Full text in pdf format

Tranvik, L. J., Sherr, E. B., Sherr, B. F.
Uptake and utilization of 'colloidal DOM' by heterotrophic flagellates in seawater
MEPS 92:301-309 | Full text in pdf format