Inter-Research > AME > v68 > n3 > p251-258 > Supplementary Material
Aquatic Microbial Ecology

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AME 68:251-258 Supplementary Material

Cell density-dependent swimming patterns of Alexandrium fundyense early stationary phase cells

Persson A, Smith BC
AME 68:251-258 | Full text in pdf format

Video 1

Alexandrium fundyense. The difference between a pattern-forming culture containing early stationary phase cells (right) and a culture of exponentially growing vegetative cells concentrated to have the same cell density (left).
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Video 2

Alexandrium fundyense. Pattern formation in dishes.
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Video 3

Alexandrium fundyense. Dishes with vegetative cells the same cell density as in Video 2.
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Video 4

Alexandrium fundyense. A flask with accumulation pattern.
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