Inter-Research > AB > v33 > p69-74 > Supplementary Material
Aquatic Biology

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AB 33:69-74 Supplementary Material

Red snapper excavate sediments around artificial reefs: observations of ecosystem-engineering behavior by a widely distributed lutjanid

Switzer TS, Keenan SF, Munnelly RT, Parks SL, Pittinger BR, Warner TK, Matheson RE Jr, Maloney R
AB 33:69-74 | Full text in pdf format

Supplement file

Video file

Video S1 (.mp4, 7,3 MB)
This video exemplifies the observed sediment excavation behavior of Lutjanus campechanus around a pyramid-shaped reef module artificial reef in Florida Panhandle waters of the Gulf of Mexico. This video shows one of the 29 excavation events that were observed across two sites during 2015 and 2017