Priority questions in multidisciplinary drought research
Trnka M, Hayes M, Jurečka F, Bartošová L, Anderson M, Brázdil R, Brown J, Camarero JJ, Cudlín P, Dobrovolný P, Eitzinger J, Feng S, Finnessey T, Gregorič G, Havlik P, Hain C, Holman I, Johnson D, Kersebaum KC, Ljungqvist FC, Luterbacher J, Micale F, Hartl-Meier C, Možný M, Nejedlik P, Olesen JE, Ruiz-Ramos M, Rötter RP, Senay G, Vicente-Serrano SM, Svoboda M, Susnik A, Tadesse T, Vizina A, Wardlow B, Žalud Z, Büntgen U
CR 75:241-260 | Full text in pdf format
Supplementary Material
- Supplement 1 :
Full author affiliations, Methods (pdf, 135KB)
- Supplement 2 :
List of experts proposing the research questions and the list of experts participating actively in the process of question ranking (xls, 53KB)
- Supplement 3 :
List of 239 questions originating from the Phase II stage (see Fig. 1) (xls, 134KB)
- Supplement 4 :
List of 154 questions from the Phase III and final 60 questions from the Phase IV (see Fig. 1) (xls, 61KB)