Inter-Research > DAO > v155 > p43-57 > Supplementary Material
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 155:43-57 Supplementary Material

Tension pneumothorax in small odontocetes

Laura Martino, José Luís Crespo-Picazo, Daniel García-Parraga, Jaume Alomar, Bárbara Serrano, Alex Cobos, Maria Dolores Pérez-Rodriguez, María Frau, Yvonne Espada, Maria Lourdes Abarca, Paula Escaño, Mariano Domingo
DAO 155:43-57 | Full text in pdf format

Data Files

Video files

Video S1 (.mp4, ~7 MB)
Air hissing after puncture of pleural cavity and chest collapse.

Video S2 (.mp4, ~33 MB)
CT scan, transverse, lung window (case 4). Bilateral tension pneumothorax, and pneumomediastinum, with pulmonary lesions and wide pleural defect in the caudodorsal aspect of the right lung.

Video S3 (.mp4, ~30 MB)
CT scan, transverse, lung window (case 5). Severe left side tension pneumothorax. The caudolateral aspect of left lung shows a focal indentation.