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MEPS WIND p_av1 Supplementary Material

Wind driven effects on the fine-scale flight behaviour of dynamic soaring wandering albatrosses

Stefan Schoombie, Rory P. Wilson, Peter G. Ryan
p_av1 | Full text in pdf format

Video files

Video S1 (.mp4, 32 MB)
Examples of wandering albatross flapping flight where birds are: 1) sequentially flapping at the upper turn of the dynamic soaring cycles, 2) making a single flap at the lower turn, 3) continuously flapping with intermittent gliding, and 4) making a low intensity flap at the lower turn.

Video S2 (.mp4, 39.1 MB)
Bird-borne video footage showing the flying behaviour of a wandering albatross (bird D1), exhibiting: 1) sequential flapping at the upper turn of the dynamic soaring cycle, 2) reduced flapping at higher wind speeds. This footage corresponds to flights 7 and 8 from Fig. 10 respectively.

Video S3 (.mp4, 31.2 MB)
Animation of wandering albatross GPS tracks in relation to hourly averages of wind speed and direction (arrows). The points are hourly GPS locations with the number of flaps within the hour represented by colour.