The following appendices (I and II) accompany the article


High genetic connectivity across the Indian and Pacific Oceans in the reef fish Myrpristis berndti (Holocentridae).


Matthew T. Craig*, Jeff A. Eble, Brian W. Bowen, and D. Ross Robertson


*Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, P.O. 1346, Kaneohe, HI 96744, USA

Email: [email protected]

Marine Ecology Progress Series 334:245-254 (2007)


Appendix I – Unique mitochondrial cytochrome b haplotypes from Myripristis berndti. Haplotype numbers correspond to those in GenBank (DQ868393-DQ868429).


Appendix II – Frequencies of unique haplotypes by collection locality. Haplotype numbers correspond to those in GenBank (DQ868393-DQ868429).