Inter-Research > MEPS > v550 > 175-190 > Supplementary Material
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 550:175-190 Supplementary Material

Decadal analysis of larval connectivity from Cuban snapper (Lutjanidae) spawning aggregations based on biophysical modeling

Kough AS, Claro R, Lindeman KC, Paris CB
MEPS 550:175-190 | Full text in pdf format

Supplement 1 (.pdf,1.9 MB)

Supplementary animations

The simulated probability density map of larval snapper (Lutjanid) released from Cuban spawning aggregations in a biophysical model. The densities (hotter colors indicate higher density) of virtual larvae are presented for each species (dog-gray-cubera complex, lane and mutton) during the course of the simulation, 2004-2013

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Animation 1 (105MB, avi)
Animation 2 (131MB, avi)
Animation 3 (108MB, avi)