MEPS 561:83-97 Supplementary Material
How does macrofaunal bioturbation influence the vertical distribution of living benthic foraminifera?
MEPS 561:83-97 | Full text in pdf format
Supplementary material
Video S1 (.avi)
Locomotion activity of Ammonia tepida recorded in oxic condition (Treatment 1). Video tracking procedures were used to record every individual position (x-y coordinates) in the successive images, finally allowing for the computation of individual trajectories (e.g. highlighted in red, green and blue for three specimens). While moving, each foraminifer accumulates sediment particles with pseudopods around its test thus progressively forming a sedimentary envelope, which was periodically abandoned as a new one was built.
Video S2 (.avi)
Locomotion activity of Ammonia tepida recorded in anoxic condition (Treatment 2). On average, 64% of foraminifera remained active during the first 12 hours following oxygen depletion but significantly reduced their locomotion activity. Moreover, the cyst built around the test became rapidly bigger than in oxic condition and was not abandoned.
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Video S1 (10.6MB, .avi)
Video S2 (8.6MB, .avi)