MEPS 565:113-125 Supplementary Material

Fuhrmann MM, Pedersen T, Nilssen EM
Trophic niche of the invasive red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus in a benthic food web
MEPS 565:113-129 | Full text in pdf format

Supplementary material

Supplement - Additional figures and tables (.pdf, 1.9 MB)


Video S1
Towed-camera footage from inner Porsangerfjord in August 2012 at a depth of ca. 17 m, showing podding behavior and feeding activity of juvenile red king crabs.

Download the original file here

Available at 4 resolutions:
- Video S1 Inner Porsangerfjord SD 360 (4.3 MB)
- Video S1 Inner Porsangerfjord SD 540 (11.4 MB)
- Video S1 Inner Porsangerfjord HD 720 (18.8 MB)
- Video S1 Inner Porsangerfjord HD 1080 (32.2 MB)