Spatial ecology of Carcharias taurus in the northwestern Mid-Atlantic coastal ocean
Haulsee DE, Breece MW, Brown LM, Wetherbee BM, Fox DA, Oliver MJ
MEPS 597:191-206 | Full text in pdf format
Supplement 1
Supplemental Movie 1
Animation of generalized additive mixed model probability of occurrence predictions (blue = low, red = high) for all Sand Tiger Carcharias taurus occurrence in the coastal ocean study region in the using an 8 day climatology of SST and Rrs555 from the MODIS-aqua satellite record, day of year, and depth as a predictor inputs. Inset map shows predictions within approximate domain of acoustic receiver arrays, where model performance was cross validated. Predictions outside of the inset should be considered preliminary. Dates (mo-d) reflect the first day of each 8 day period for climatological data used for prediction.
Supplemental Movie 2
Animation of generalized additive mixed model probability of occurrence predictions (blue = low, red = high) for adult male Sand Tiger Carcharias taurus occurrence in the coastal ocean study region in the using an 8 day climatology of SST and Rrs555 from the MODIS-aqua satellite record, day of year, and depth as a predictor inputs. Inset map shows predictions within approximate domain of acoustic receiver arrays, where model performance was cross validated. Predictions outside of the inset should be considered preliminary. Dates (mo-d) reflect the first day of each 8 day period for climatological data used for prediction.
Supplemental Movie 3
Animation of generalized additive mixed model probability of occurrence predictions (blue= low, red = high) for adult female Sand Tiger Carcharias taurus occurrence in the coastal ocean study region in the using an 8 day climatology of SST and Rrs555 from the MODIS-aqua satellite record, day of year, and depth as a predictor inputs. Inset map shows predictions within approximate domain of acoustic receiver arrays, where model performance was cross validated. Predictions outside of the inset should be considered preliminary. Dates (mo-d) reflect the first day of each 8 day period for climatological data used for prediction.
Supplemental Movie 4
Animation of generalized additive mixed model probability of occurrence predictions (blue = low, red = high) for juvenile Sand Tiger Carcharias taurus occurrence in the coastal ocean study region in the using an 8 day climatology of SST and Rrs555 from the MODIS-aqua satellite record, day of year, and depth as a predictor inputs. Inset map shows predictions within approximate domain of acoustic receiver arrays, where model performance was cross validated. Predictions outside of the inset should be considered preliminary. Dates (mo-d) reflect the first day of each 8 day period for climatological data used for prediction.
Supplemental Movie 5
Animation of overlap of life history stages for Sand Tiger Carcharias taurus occurrence predicted by generalized additive mixed models in the coastal ocean study region using an 8 day climatology of SST and Rrs555 from the MODIS-aqua satellite record, day of year, and depth as a predictor inputs. Dates (mo-d) above each panel reflect the first day of each 8 day period for climatological data used for prediction.