Inter-Research > MEPS > v647 > p109-122 > Supplementary Material
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 647:109-122 Supplementary Material

Influence of palatability on the feeding preferences of the endemic Hawaiian tiger cowrie for indigenous and introduced sponges

Vicente J, Osberg A, Marty MJ, Rice K, Toonen RJ
MEPS 647:109-122 | Full text in pdf format

Supplement 1: Video S1.

In-situ video footage of tiger cowrie Cypraea tigris schilderiana consuming dictyoceratid (no spicules) and native sponge Dysidea cf. Arenaria between 1 and 39 s. Footage is followed by foraging on densely spiculated, introduced sponge, Mycale grandis between seconds 40 and 66. Video was generated with a GoPro camera taking continuous pictures at 1 frame min–1. Therefore, each frame change in the video indicates 1 minute. Footage shows how D. cf. Arenaria tissue gets digested and excreted between 15–25 min, while the tissue of M. grandis is digested and excreted between 40–65 min.

Supplement 2: Video S2.

In situ video footage of tiger cowrie Cypraea tigris schilderiana palatability assay of Callyspongia diffusa crude extract. Footage shows only 4 out of 8 cowrie enclosure replicates. Each enclosure has a control tile (con) and an experimental tile (exp). The top right enclosure shows the tiger cowrie consuming both control and experimental tiles. Video was generated with a GoPro camera taking continuous pictures at 1 frame min–1.
