Spotted seal Phoca largha underwater vocalisations in relation to ambient noise
Yang L, Xu X, Berggren P
MEPS 683:209-220 | Full text in pdf format
Audio S1 (.ogg, 9 kB)
An example of spotted seal Phoca largha drums recorded from a moored hydrophone with seals within approximately 30 m distance in Liaodong Bay, China.
Audio S2 (.ogg, 7 kB)
An example of spotted seal Phoca largha growls recorded from a moored hydrophone with seals within approximately 30 m distance in Liaodong Bay, China.
Audio S3 (.ogg, 13 kB)
An example of spotted seal Phoca largha knock trains recorded from a moored hydrophone with seals within approximately 30 m distance in Liaodong Bay, China. Given that the spotted seals often used knocks in a series of repetitive knocks, only the knock with the highest amplitude was selected in each of the knock trains.
Audio S4 (.ogg, 6 kB)
An example of spotted seal (Phoca largha) sweeps recorded from a moored hydrophone with seals within approximately 30 m distance in Liaodong Bay, China.
Audio S5 (.ogg, 338 kB)
A 30 s ambient noise example recorded from a moored hydrophone with spotted seals (Phoca largha) within approximately 30 m distance in Liaodong Bay, China. There were no identifiable noise sources (such as other vocalising seals) overlapping the selected ambient noise.