Inter-Research > MEPS > v710 > p85-105 > Supplementary Material
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 710:85–105 Supplementary Material

Response to drift kelp is modified by both substratum and season: green sea urchin foraging behaviour in subsidized habitats

Kathleen A. MacGregor, Ladd E. Johnson
MEPS 710:85–105 | Full text in pdf format

Supplement files

Supplement 1a (.mov, 186.5 MB) Animated sequences of images showing
(a) an original time-lapse sequence of photos used to extract tracks of urchin movement (see article for details).

Supplement 1b (.mov, 1.7 MB) Animated sequences of images showing
(b) the same urchin tracks after extraction on the classified and buffered substrata (see article for details).