Inter-Research > MEPS > v745 > p125-145 > Supplementary Material
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 745:125-145 Supplementary Material

Benthic modification and biotic associations at natural and artificial habitats excavated by Epinephelus morio and Lutjanus campechanus

Munnelly RT, Pittinger BR, Keenan SF, Switzer TS
MEPS 745:125-145 | Full text in pdf format

Supplement files

Video S1 (*.mp4, 16.9 MB)

Example of an isolated excavation. It was recorded on 22 August 2017 at a depth of 103 m approximately 210 km northwest of Key West, Florida (Florida Peninsula). Note the large mass of rock in the excavation interior. Excavation at this site created habitat for a diverse reef-fish assemblage, where otherwise there would have been only flat sand.

Video S2 (*.mp4, 36.4 MB)

Example of excavated low-relief. It was recorded on 01 October 2016 at a depth of 35 m approximately 98 km west of Marco Island, Florida (Florida Peninsula). Note the two large sand mounds at the left edge of the video screen, suggesting recent excavation activity exposing a fracture-like limestone solution hole. Excavation at this site enhanced low-relief habitat by increasing seafloor rugosity and exposing additional rocky substrate.

Video S3 (*.mp4, 19.6 MB)

Example of an excavated artificial reef. It was recorded on 27 July 2017 at a depth of 30 m approximately 25 km south of Pensacola, Florida (Florida Panhandle). This video segment was taken from one of two video recordings documenting excavation by red snapper Lutjanus campechanus. Five L. campechanus excavation events were observed during this 30-min video recording. Note that the pyramidal reef module in the center of the excavation interior has subsided to a point below the level of the surrounding seafloor.