Inter-Research > MEPS > v753 > p137-154 > Supplementary Material
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 753:137-154 Supplementary Material

Characterising the behaviour of bait-attracted blue sharks Prionace glauca using pelagic drift video

Ríos N, Jimenez M, Franco G, Ramos G, Pais MP, Gonçalves EJ, Amorim MCP, Silva G
MEPS 753:137-154 | Full text in pdf format

Supplement file

Video S1 (*.mp4, 42.9 MB)

Examples of blue sharks exhibiting inspection activities around the BRUVS. 9 behaviours within 4 broader categories (swimming, BRUVS interaction, social behaviour and feeding) are described, some of which are seen in this video: approach, structure (BRUVS) inspection, vertical swimming, physical contact, biting, parallel swimming, and following.