ESR 26:221-234 Supplementary Material

Plot V, de Thoisy B, Georges JY
Dispersal and dive patterns during the post-nesting migration of olive ridley turtles from French Guiana
ESR 26:221-234 | Full text in pdf format

Supplement 1 (.pdf)

Supplement 2 (Video)

Oceanic surface currents (black arrows; arrow size changes with the strength of the current) estimated from sea-level anomalies measured by satellite altimeters (provided by the Collecte Localisation Satellites,, together with the track line and positions (pink line and moving dots) of turtle 404 from 9 July to 3 September 2006. Dates (top right) are expressed as dd/mm/yyyy. The video suggests that the offshore loop performed by this turtle was associated with local oceanic dynamics, and followed an eddy occurring off the continental shelf. On 11-12 August, the turtle returned to inshore waters
