ESR 27: 219−232

McKenna MF, Calambokidis J, Oleson EM, Laist DW, Goldbogen JA
Simultaneous tracking of blue whales and large ships demonstrates limited behavioral responses for avoiding collision
ESR 27: 219−232 | Full text in pdf format

Supplement Video

Animation of whale and ship movement during a close passage of a tanker ship. Top panel shows a bird's eye view. Ship movement is represented by the red stars. The ship track is interpolated to an interval of 10 s based on the ship speed and heading reported by the automatic identification system (AIS). The whale track is represented by the blue diamonds, and positions are also interpolated to every 10 s based on GPS locations from TDR10-F tag data and an assumed constant speed and direct heading between GPS positions. Black circles represent the closest point of approach between the ship and the whale. The ticker on the x-axis indicates the horizontal distance between the ship and the whale. The bottom panel shows the dive profile of the whale during the close ship passage. The black vertical dotted line represents the closest point of approach of the ship and the whale, corresponding to the circles in the top panel. The ticker on the x-axis indicates the time, in 10 s intervals.
