Potential of electric fields to reduce bycatch of highly threatened sawfishes
Abrantes K, Barnett A, Soetaert M, Kyne PM, Laird A, Squire L, Seymour J, Wueringer BE, Sleeman J, Huveneers C
ESR 46:121-135 | Full text in pdf format
Video S1
Sawfish 2 turning back upon encountering the electric field produced by the ‘500 μs’ treatment (top view).
Video S2
Sawfish 1 turning back upon approaching the electric field produced by the ‘10 Hz’ treatment (underwater view).
Video S3
Sawfish 2 swimming parallel to the electrode setup upon encountering the electric field produced during the ‘Exponential’ treatment (top view).
Video S4
Sawfish 2 swimming between the electrodes during the ‘Baseline’ treatment (top view).
Video S5
Sawfish 1 swimming between the electrodes during the ‘Exponential’ treatment (underwater view).
Video S6
Sawfish 2 showing freezing behaviour upon entering the electric field during the ‘Exponential’ treatment.
Video S7
Sawfish 1 swimming between the electrodes during the Control treatment.
Video S8
Sawfish 2 approaching the electric field towards the electrode placed in the middle of the tank.