Inter-Research > ESR > v46 > p121-135 > Supplementary Material
Endangered Species Research

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ESR 46:121-135 Supplementary Material

Potential of electric fields to reduce bycatch of highly threatened sawfishes

Abrantes K, Barnett A, Soetaert M, Kyne PM, Laird A, Squire L, Seymour J, Wueringer BE, Sleeman J, Huveneers C
ESR 46:121-135 | Full text in pdf format


Video S1

Sawfish 2 turning back upon encountering the electric field produced by the ‘500 μs’ treatment (top view).

Video S2

Sawfish 1 turning back upon approaching the electric field produced by the ‘10 Hz’ treatment (underwater view).

Video S3

Sawfish 2 swimming parallel to the electrode setup upon encountering the electric field produced during the ‘Exponential’ treatment (top view).

Video S4

Sawfish 2 swimming between the electrodes during the ‘Baseline’ treatment (top view).

Video S5

Sawfish 1 swimming between the electrodes during the ‘Exponential’ treatment (underwater view).

Video S6

Sawfish 2 showing freezing behaviour upon entering the electric field during the ‘Exponential’ treatment.

Video S7

Sawfish 1 swimming between the electrodes during the Control treatment.

Video S8

Sawfish 2 approaching the electric field towards the electrode placed in the middle of the tank.