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Diseases of Marine Animals Book Series (DOMA)

Diseases of Marine AnimalsVolumes I to IV (from Protozoa to Mammalia).


This multi-author book series was planned and edited by Otto Kinne. A large and laudable amount of work was done by Dr. Gerhard Lauckner of the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland. The books were published between 1980 and 1990 by John Wiley & Sons and the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland. The books are now copyright of Otto Kinne at Inter-Research.


The "Diseases" books are freely available with open access.


Due to the large size of the files, we strongly recommend downloading them directly to your computer.

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Volume 1: General Aspects, Protozoa to Gastropoda (.pdf, 26.6 MB)

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Treatise and to Volume I (O. Kinne)

Chapter 2: Diseases Of Marine Animals: General Aspects (O. Kinne)

Chapter 3: Diseases Of Protozoa (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 4: Diseases of Mesozoa (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 5: Diseases of Porifera (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 6: Diseases of Cnidaria (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 7: Diseases of Ctenophora (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 8: Diseases of Tentaculata (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 9: Diseases of Sipunculida, Priapulida and Echiurida (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 10: Diseases of Platyhelminthes (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 11: Diseases of Nemertea (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 12: Diseases of Mollusca: Gastropoda (G. Lauckner)


Volume II: Introduction, Bivalvia to Scaphopoda (.pdf, 35.4 MB)

Introduction to Volume II (O. Kinne)

Chapter 13: Diseases of Mollusca: Bivalvia (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 14: Diseases of Mollusca: Amphineura (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 15: Diseases of Mollusca: Scaphopoda (G. Lauckner)


Volume III: Introduction, Cephalopoda to Urochordata (.pdf, 39.6 MB)

Introduction to Volume III (O. Kinne)

Chapter 1: Diseases of Mollusca: Cephalopoda (R. T. Hanlon & 1. W. Forsythe, F. G. Hochberg)

Chapter 2: Diseases of Annelida (D. A. Raftos & E. L. Cooper)

Chapter 3: Diseases of Crustacea (I. A. Brock & D. V. Lightner, T. R. Meyers)

Chapter 4: Diseases of Chaetognatha (A. C. Pierrot-Bults)

Chapter 5: Diseases of Echinodermata (M. Jangoux)

Chapter 6: Diseases of Urochordata (C. Monniot)


Volume IV, Part 1: Introduction, Pisces (.pdf, 32.4 MB)

Introduction to Volume IV, Part 1: Pisces (O. Kinne)

Chapter 1: Diseases of Pisces (K. Wolf, D. A. Conroy, G. Lauckner, J. Lom, K. Rohde, Z. Kabata, N. Peters, G. A. Wedemeyer & C. P. Goodyear)


Volume IV, Part 2: Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia (.pdf, 37.2 MB)

Introduction to Volume IV, Part 2: Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia (O. Kinne)

Chapter 2: Diseases of Reptilia (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 3: Diseases of Aves (Marine Birds) (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 4: Diseases of Mammalia: Carnivora (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 5: Diseases of Mammalia: Pinnipedia (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 6: Diseases of Mammalia: Sirenia (G. Lauckner)

Chapter 7: Diseases of Mammalia: Cetacea (M. D. Dailey)