Inter-Research > ECI Prize Awarding > ECI Award Ceremony 2012  
ECI Prizes 2012

The ECI Jury under the chairmanship of Brian Moss elected Prof. Alan Hildrew as ECI Prize Winner 2012 and Dr. Sujay Kaushal as IRPE Prize Winner 2012.

The Prize documents were handed over during the Prize Awarding Ceremony on October 11, 2012 in Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany.


ECI Prize Winner in limnetic ecology: Prof. Alan Hildrew, University of London, UK


IRPE Prize winner in limnetic ecology.: Dr. Sujay S. Kaushal, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA


Chairman of the Jury: Brian Moss, Liverpool, UK


Group Photo:
1st row from left: Prof. Teja Tscharntke. Prof. Brian Moss, Eduard van Leeuwen, Iris Rousseau, Karen Smetacek, Dr. Klaus Anger, Dr. Stephan Kinne, Sandra Hammer, Helga Kinne, Prof. Dr. Otto Kinne, Rüdiger Stössel, Prof. Alan Hildrew, Pamela Hildrew, Dr. Sujay Kaushal, Neha Patel, Simone Ritter, Aneta Pohland, Nina Kurt, Matthias Seaman

2nd row from left: Prof. Victor Smetacek, Renate Lampert, Angela Fromm, Prof. Winfried Lampert, Claire Pritchard-Günther, Katrin Marwinsky, Linda Froome-Döring, Matthias Dirbach, Sebastian Kinne, Cathy Fesefeldt, Natalie Striepe, Heiko Scheibner, John Austin, Prof. Wolfgang Junk, Christine Paetzold, Dr. Hans Heinrich Janssen, Justin Mellersh, Ian Stewart, Tim St. Clair, Nicole Taros, Lars Litwin