Inter-Research > ECI Prize Awarding > ECI Award Ceremony 2013  
ECI Prizes 2013

The ECI Jury under the chairmanship of Tom Fenchel elected Prof. Antje Boetius as ECI Prize Winner 2013 and Dr. Anne K. Salomon as IRPE Prize Winner 2013.


The Prize documents were handed over during the Prize Awarding Ceremony on October 11, 2013 in Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany.


ECI Prize Winner in marine ecology: Prof. Antje Boetius, Max Planck Institute, Bremen, Germany


IRPE Prize Winner in marine ecology: Dr. Anne K. Salomon, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada


Chairman of the Jury: Tom Fenchel, Helsingør, Denmark


Participants in the ECI Prize Awarding Ceremony 2013:

1st row from left: Jutta Lillelund, Prof. Kurt Lillelund, Helga Kinne, Prof. Otto Kinne, Dr. Stephan Kinne, Dr. Anne K. Salomon, Prof. Antje Boetius, Prof. Tom Fenchel

2nd row from left: Ralf Pohland, Eduard van Leeuwen, Iris Rosseau, Werner Meister, Halina Cituk, Simone Ritter, Sandra Hammer, Rüdiger Stössel, Aneta Pohland, Angela Fromm, Ivor George, Matthias Seaman, Ian Stewart, Nina Kurt

3rd row from left: Prof. Victor Smetacek, Karen Smetacek, Prof. Brian Moss, Joyce Moss, Prof. Friedrich Widdel, Matthias Dirbach, Dr. Nicole Dubillier, Dr. Olaf Pfannkuche, Prof. Karin Lochte, Marian Cituk, Cathy Fesefeldt, Natalie Striepe, Konstantin Kambach, Linda Froome-Döring, John Austin, Darek Dziwisch, Tim St. Clair, Annabelle Meyer, Dr. Martina Loebl, Dr. Frank Wenzhöfer, Dr. Thomas Soltwedel, Lars Litwin, Dr. Tim Ferdelman, Dr. Klaus Anger

Prof. Dr. Otto Kinne, Helga Kinne with Prize Winners Prof. Antje Boetius (left) and Dr. Anne K. Salomon (right)