Inter-Research > ECI Prize Awarding > ECI Award Ceremony 2014/2015  
ECI Prizes 2014/2015

ECI Prizes 2014/2015

The ECI Jury under the chairmanship of Prof. Hal Mooney elected Prof. William H. Schlesinger as ECI prize winner 2014 and Prof. Lian Pin Koh as IRPE prize winner 2014.

The ECI Jury under the chairmanship of Prof. Mary Power elected Prof. John Smol as ECI prize winner 2015 and Dr. Mariana Meerhoff as IRPE prize winner 2015.

The Prize documents were handed over during the Prize Awarding Ceremony on October 8, 2015 in Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany.



ECI Prize Winner in terrestrial ecology: Prof. William H. Schlesinger, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studie, Millbrook, New York, USA


IRPE Prize Winner in terrestrial ecology: Prof. Lian Pin Koh, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and Environment Institute, The University of Adelaide, Australia


Chairman of the Jury: Prof. Hal Mooney, Stanford, California, USA



ECI Prize Winner in freshwater ecology: Prof. John Smol, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada


IRPE Prize Winner in freshwater ecology: Dr. Mariana Meerhoff, University of the Republic Uruguay, Maldonado, Uruguay


Chairman of the Jury: Prof. Mary Power


Participants in the ECI Prize Awarding Ceremony 2015:

Front row: Klaus Anger, Nina Kurt, Helga Kinne, Brian Moss, Joyce Moss, Mariana Meerhof, John Smol, Bill Schlesinger, Hal Mooney, Aneta Pohl

Second row: Lutz Jahrmarkt, Linda Froome, Natalie Striepe, Winfried Lampert, Renate Lampert, Karen Smetacek, Victor Smetacek, Julie Clarke, Simone Ritter, Justin Mellersh, Ivor George, Christine Paetzold, Tino Kambach, Suse Schüller, Halina Cituk, Sandra Hammer

Back row: Annabelle Meyer, Lars Litwin, Heiko Scheibner, Nicole Taros, Darek Dziwisch, Maarten Boersma, Myron Peck, Florian Schlenker, John Austin, Marian Cituk, Volker Kraft, Tim St. Clair