Founders: Otto Kinne†, Marianne Holmer, Tim Dempster
Inter-Research Editorial Staff
John Austin, Reejupriya Borah, Matthias Dirbach, Sherry Engelhardt, Catherine Fesefeldt, Linda Froome, Ivor George, Claudia Hamann, Lars Litwin, Justin Mellersh, Annabelle Meyer, Lars Nordmann, Simone Ritter, Mae Rose Rossteuscher, Timothy St. Clair, Ian Stewart, Natalie Striepe, Nicole Taros, Tanja Tonn
Contributing Editors are fully responsible for the review process of manuscripts allotted to them; they decide on acceptance or rejection of manuscripts handled by them.
Review Editors Editors critically assess the scientific value of manuscripts, and may advise authors in matters of manuscript presentation.