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Endangered Species Research

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ESR Specials are integrated multiauthor syntheses initiated and coordinated by acknowledged experts. They highlight cutting-edge research areas or problems and/or bring together cogent bodies of literature on key taxa. Typically they are led by one or more members of the ESR Editorial Board, sometimes including Guest Editors. We welcome additional suggestions for Specials; contact ESR Editor in Chief, Prof. Brendan Godley.

Editor(s): Alistair Hobday, Chris Cvitanovic, Ingrid van Putten, Mark Hamann, Brendan J. Godley
Organizers: Alistair Hobday, Chris Cvitanovic, Ingrid van Putten
published as virtual Special, date of completion February 2025

Photo: Sierra Ison

Editor(s): Peter Kyne, David Ebert, Paula Carlson, Charlie Huveneers, Brendan J. Godley
Organizers: David Ebert, Paula Carlson, Peter Kyne
published as virtual Special, date of completion November 2023

Photo: Arnaud Brival

Editor(s): Joanna Alfaro Shigueto, Paolo Casale, Louise Chilvers, Austin Gallagher, Eric Gilman, Brendan Godley, Simon Goldsworthy, Mark Hamann, Sasha Hooker, Jeremy Kiszka, Rebecca Lewison, Helene Marsh, Jeff Mangel, Bryan Wallace
Organizer: Brendan Godley
published as virtual Special, date of completion June 2020


Editor(s): Ana Cañadas, Eric Gilman, Brendan Godley, Mark Hamann, Matt Hayward, Sandra Hochscheid, Sasha Hooker, Rebecca Lewison, Michael Mahony, Eduardo Martins, Richard Reina, Rory Wilson
Organizer: Brendan Godley
published as virtual Special, date of completion May 2020

Photo: Hyago Luiz

Editor(s): Louise Chilvers, Matthew Godfrey, Brendan Godley, Robert G. Harcourt, Mark Hamann, Sasha Hooker, Rory Wilson
Organizer: Brendan Godley
published as virtual Special, date of completion February 2020

Photo: L. Chilvers

Editor(s): Ana Cañadas, Jaume Forcada, Brendan Godley, Helene Marsh, Alan F. Rees, Rory Wilson
Organizer: Brendan Godley
published as virtual Special, date of completion January 2020

© Duke Marine Robotics and Remote Sensing Lab, NOAA Permit No. 14809-03

Editor(s): Mike Bruford, Steven Cooke, Brendan Godley, Eduardo Martins
Organizers and Guest Editors: Dean Grubbs, Gregg R. Poulakis
published as virtual Theme Section, date of completion June 2019

Adult female smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata tagged with an archival satellite tag off the Florida Keys.

Photo credit: Dean Grubbs

Editor(s): Douglas P. Nowacek, Brandon L. Southall, Wendy E. Dow Piniak
published as virtual Theme Section, date of completion May 2018

Editor(s): Bryan Wallace, Barbara Schroeder, Brian Stacy, Lori Schwacke, Teri Rowles
published in ESR Volume 33, May 18, 2017

Photos by Mark Dodd (left) and Blair Witherington (right)

Guest Editors: Randall Reeves, Greg Donovan
published as virtual Theme Section, date of completion March 2016

Photo: Yuri Yakovlev

Guest Editors: David Hyrenbach, Patrick Halpin, Daniel Dunn, Sara Maxwell, Lisa M. Wedding
published as virtual Theme Section, date of completion March 2016

Oceanographic remote sensing and biological diversity estimates can be combined in Geographic Information Systems to model the pelagic environment.

Image: Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University

Editor(s): Anna Nekaris, Carly Starr (Guest Editor)
published as virtual Theme Section, date of completion June 2015

From left to right: Sumatran slow loris Nycticebus coucang hilleri, pygmy slow loris N. pygmaeus; Javan slow loris N. javanicus; Bengal slow loris N. bengalensis

Photo (from left to right): K.A.I. Nekaris, K.A.I. Nekaris, A. Walmsley, N. Das

Guest Editors: Edward Gregr, Mark Baumgartner, Kristin Laidre, Daniel Palacios
published as virtual Theme Section, date of completion December 2013

Humpback and right whale high-use areas in the Gulf of Maine shown on a regional sea surface temperature image.

Guest Editors: Simon Northridge, William Perrin, Andy Read, Randall Reeves, Tim Werner
published as virtual Theme Section, date of completion July 2013

La Plata dolphin Pontoporia blainvillei entangled in a standard gillnet.

Photo: P. Bordino

Editor(s): Steven Cooke, Craig Paukert (Guest Editor), Zeb Hogan (Guest Editor)
published as virtual Theme Section, date of completion May 2012

Colorado River in the Grand Canyon

Photo: Craig Paukert.

Editor(s): Giovanni Bearzi, Jörg Ganzhorn, Luca Luiselli, Anna Nekaris, Christoph Schwitzer, William Wallace
published as virtual Theme Section, date of completion April 2011

Courtesy of Christoph Schwitzer

Editor(s): Mike Bruford, John Fa, Anna Nekaris, Vincent Nijman
published as virtual Theme Section, date of completion February 2011

Photo: Dwi, WCU Sumatra

Editor(s): Stuart Bearhop, Giovanni Bearzi, Barbara Block, Steven Bograd, Steven J. Cooke, Daniel Costa, Matthew H. Godfrey, Brendan J. Godley, Cornelius Hammer, David Hodgson, Sascha K. Hooker, Jason Matthiopoulos, Clive McMahon, Jeffrey A. Seminoff, Rory Wilson
published in ESR Volume 10

Photo: Daniel Costa

Editor(s): Mike Bruford, Andrew Cunningham, Brendan Godley, Helene Marsh, Jeffrey Seminoff
published in ESR Volume 9, No. 3

Forensic methods have been used to trace the origin of marketed shark fins. Scalloped hammerhead sharks Sphyma lewini are particularly vulnerable to capture for the fin trade because of their predictable schooling behaviour, especially at seamounts. This photograph was taken at Cocos Island in the eastern Pacific.

Photo: Save Our Seas Foundation

Editor(s): Stephen Rossiter, Fiona Mathews
published in ESR Volume 8, No. 1-2

Sulawesi dawn bat Eonycteris spelaea rosenbergii captured in a mist net.

Photo: S. Rossiter

Editor(s): Rachel T. Graham, Kevin L. Rhodes, Brendan J. Godley
published in ESR Volume 7, No. 3

Goliath grouper Epinephelus itajara nestled in the wreck of a shrimping boat, off Key West, Florida

Photo: ©Doug Perrine/

Editor(s): Matthew H. Godfrey, Brendan J. Godley, Lee Hannah, Jeffrey A. Seminoff
published in ESR Volume 7, No. 2

Biodiversity in our hands.

Illustration: Penny Kuhn

Editor(s): Matthew H. Godfrey, Brendan J. Godley, David L. Roberts
published in ESR Volume 6, No. 2

Longhorn beetles Leptura maculata are individually marked with ink to study the population size and structure of the species. Population size is one of the key criteria for completing an IUCN Red List assessment, but baseline data are lacking for saproxylic insects (see Komonen et al. this Theme Section).

Photo: A. Komonen

Editor(s): Rebecca Lewison, Sascha Hooker, David Hodgson, David Agnew, Daniel Oro, Clement Tisdell, Helene Marsh, Rory Wilson, Brendan Godley, Steven Cooke, Andrew Cunningham, Jason Matthiopoulos, Cornelius Hammer, Jeffrey Seminoff
published in ESR Volume 5, No. 2-3

Graveyard of bycaught loggerhead turtle carcasses washed ashore at Playa San Lazaro, Baja California

Photo: Terry Garland

Editor(s): Brendan Godley, Stuart Bearhop, Steven Cooke, Alan Dixson, Dave Hodgson, Helene Marsh, Jason Matthiopoulos, Rory Wilson
published in ESR Volume 4, No. 1-2

A gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua in Antarctica equipped with a prototype ‘Daily Diary’ in 1992. This system, now hugely enhanced, provides details on travel routes, behaviour, energy expenditure and the environmental conditions encountered by free-living animals (see Wilson et al. this Theme Section)

Photo: Rory Wilson

Last edited: 21.02.2025

There are currently no Specials in progress. Please see the ‘Complete' tab for a list of published Specials. If you are interested in proposing a Special please contact the Editor-in-Chief or Managing Editor with a summary of the topic, proposed submission date and a list of expected contributions (authors, titles) if available.