This ESR THEME SECTION builds upon the resounding success of the partner Theme Section Tracking Vertebrates for Conservation. It examines the tracking of marine vertebrates in relationship to their oceanic environment and conservation. The Theme Section includes fully peer-reviewed papers presented as part of the Biologging III Symposium (Monterey, August 2008) which was co-hosted by the Tagging of Pacific Predators (TOPP; and Tag-a-Giant (TAG; programs. Symposium presentations showcased how the state of the art in biologging technologies was being used to unlock the ecology, physiology and conservation biology of a range of vertebrate species. The papers in the present volume represent the breadth and novelty of the research conveyed at the symposium along with additional related papers submitted independently.
As for all current ESR articles, we are pleased to make the online version of this ESR THEME SECTION available with Open Access
Bograd SJ, Block BA, Costa DP, Godley BJ
INTRODUCTION: Biologging technologies: new tools for conservation
ESR 10:1-7 | Full text in pdf format
Hart KM, Hyrenbach KD
REVIEW: Satellite telemetry of marine megavertebrates: the coming of age of an experimental science
ESR 10:9-20 | Full text in pdf format
Ropert-Coudert Y, Beaulieu M, Hanuise N, Kato A
REVIEW: Diving into the world of biologging
ESR 10:21-27 | Full text in pdf format
Gómez Laich A, Wilson RP, Quintana F, Shepard ELC
Identification of imperial cormorant Phalacrocorax atriceps behaviour using accelerometers
ESR 10:29-37 | Full text in pdf format
Okuyama J, Kawabata Y, Naito Y, Arai N, Kobayashi M
Monitoring beak movements with an acceleration datalogger: a useful technique for assessing the feeding and breathing behaviors of sea turtles
ESR 10:39-45 | Full text in pdf format
Shepard ELC, Wilson RP, Quintana F, Gómez Laich A, Liebsch N, Albareda DA, Halsey LG, Gleiss A, Morgan DT, Myers AE, Newman C, Macdonald DW
Identification of animal movement patterns using tri-axial accelerometry
ESR 10:47-60 | Full text in pdf format
Skinner JP, Norberg SE, Andrews RD
Head striking during fish capture attempts by Steller sea lions and the potential for using head surge acceleration to predict feeding behavior
ESR 10:61-69 | Full text in pdf format
Whitney NM, Pratt HL Jr, Pratt TC, Carrier JC
Identifying shark mating behaviour using three-dimensional acceleration loggers
ESR 10:71-82 | Full text in pdf format
Andrews-Goff V, Hindell MA, Field IC, Wheatley KE, Charrassin JB
Factors influencing the winter haulout behaviour of Weddell seals: consequences for satellite telemetry
ESR 10:83-92 | Full text in pdf format
Bailey H, Mate BR, Palacios DM, Irvine L, Bograd SJ, Costa DP
Behavioural estimation of blue whale movements in the Northeast Pacific from state-space model analysis of satellite tracks
ESR 10:93-106 | Full text in pdf format
Baird RW, Schorr GS, Webster DL, McSweeney DJ, Hanson MB, Andrews RD
Movements and habitat use of satellite-tagged false killer whales around the main Hawaiian Islands
ESR 10:107-121 | Full text in pdf format
Cuevas E, Abreu-Grobois FA, Guzmán-Hernández V, Liceaga-Correa MA, van Dam RP
Post-nesting migratory movements of hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata in waters adjacent to the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
ESR 10:123-133 | Full text in pdf format
Horning M, Mellish JAE
Spatially explicit detection of predation on individual pinnipeds from implanted post-mortem satellite data transmitters
ESR 10:135-143 | Full text in pdf format
Lander ME, Loughlin TR, Logsdon MG, VanBlaricom GR, Fadely BS
Foraging effort of juvenile Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus with respect to heterogeneity of sea surface temperature
ESR 10:145-158 | Full text in pdf format
Mazzaro LM, Dunn JL
Descriptive account of long-term health and behavior of two satellite-tagged captive harbor seals Phoca vitulina
ESR 10:159-163 | Full text in pdf format
McClellan CM, Read AJ
Confronting the gauntlet: understanding incidental capture of green turtles through fine-scale movement studies
ESR 10:165-179 | Full text in pdf format
Okuyama J, Shimizu T, Abe O, Yoseda K, Arai N
Wild versus head-started hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata: post-release behavior and feeding adaptions
ESR 10:181-190 | Full text in pdf format
Schofield G, Lilley MKS, Bishop CM, Brown P, Katselidis KA, Dimopoulos P, Pantis JD, Hays GC
Conservation hotspots: implications of intense spatial area use by breeding male and female loggerheads at the Mediterraneans largest rookery
ESR 10:191-202 | Full text in pdf format
Schorr GS, Baird RW, Hanson MB, Webster DL, McSweeney DJ, Andrews RD
Movements of satellite-tagged Blainvilles beaked whales off the island of Hawaii
ESR 10:203-213 | Full text in pdf format
Shillinger GL, Swithenbank AM, Bograd SJ, Bailey H, Castelton MR, Wallace BP, Spotila JR, Paladino FV, Piedra R, Block BA
Identification of high-use internesting habitats for eastern Pacific leatherback turtles: role of the environment and implications for conservation
ESR 10:215-232 | Full text in pdf format
Simmons SE, Crocker DE, Hassrick JL, Kuhn CE, Robinson PW, Tremblay Y, Costa DP
Climate-scale hydrographic features related to foraging success in a capital breeder, the northern elephant seal Mirounga angustirostris
ESR 10:233-243 | Full text in pdf format
Swimmer Y, McNaughton L, Foley D, Moxey L, Nielsen A
Movements of olive ridley sea turtles Lepidochelys olivacea and associated oceanographic features as determined by improved light-based geolocation
ESR 10:245-254 | Full text in pdf format
Cronin MA, Zuur AF, Rogan E, McConnell BJ
Using mobile phone telemetry to investigate the haul-out behaviour of harbour seals Phoca vitulina vitulina
ESR 10:255-267 | Full text in pdf format
Green JA, White CR, Bunce A, Frappell PB, Butler PJ
Energetic consequences of plunge diving in gannets
ESR 10:269-279 | Full text in pdf format
Gucu AC
Preliminary study on the effects of photo traps used to monitor Mediterranean monk seals Monachus monachus
ESR 10:281-285 | Full text in pdf format
Holland KN, Meyer CG, Dagorn LC
Inter-animal telemetry: results from first deployment of acoustic business card tags
ESR 10:287-293 | Full text in pdf format
Inman RD, Nussear KE, Tracy CR
Detecting trends in desert tortoise population growth: elusive behavior inflates variance in estimates of population density
ESR 10:295-304 | Full text in pdf format
Peters E, Brinkmann I, Krüger F, Zwirlein S, Klaumann I
Reintroduction of the European mink Mustela lutreola in Saarland, Germany. Preliminary data on the use of space and activity as revealed by radio-tracking and live-trapping
ESR 10:305-320 | Full text in pdf format
Pillans RD, Stevens JD, Kyne PM, Salini J
Observations on the distribution, biology, short-term movements and habitat requirements of river sharks Glyphis spp. in northern Australia
ESR 10:321-332 | Full text in pdf format
Rayment W, Dawson S, Slooten L
Use of T-PODs for acoustic monitoring of Cephalorhynchus dolphins: a case study with Hectors dolphins in a marine protected area
ESR 10:333-339 | Full text in pdf format
Thiebot JB, Pinaud D
Quantitative method to estimate species habitat use from light-based geolocation data
ESR 10:341-353 | Full text in pdf format
Wilson SG, Block BA
Habitat use in Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus inferred from diving behavior
ESR 10:355-367 | Full text in pdf format
Volumes 1 to 10 (2004-2010)
ESR 10:369-382 | Full text in pdf format