Bornman E, Adams JB, Strydom NA
Estuarine zooplankton communities shift but are not depleted during recurrent harmful algal blooms of Heterosigma akashiwo in the Sundays Estuary, South Africa
MEPS 723:19-36 | Full text in pdf format
Chen EK, Satterthwaite WH, Kormos BJ, Johnson RC, Phillis CC, Carlson SM
Age structure of natural versus hatchery-origin endangered Chinook salmon and implications for fisheries management in California
MEPS 723:37-55 | Full text in pdf format
Davidson ER, Ferguson SH, Higdon JW, Treble MA
Opportunistic sightings from fisheries surveys inform habitat suitability for northern bottlenose whales Hyperoodon ampullatus and sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus in Baffin Bay and Davis Strait, Canadian Arctic
MEPS 723:57-71 | Full text in pdf format
Wind and weather effects on seabird foraging, movement and energetics
Organizers: Richard Phillips, Lesley H. Thorne, Thomas A. Clay
Editors: Thomas A. Clay, Richard Phillips, Lesley H. Thorne, Rory P. Wilson
This Theme Section presents current knowledge on how wind shapes the movement, energetics, foraging behaviour and life history of seabirds. Global wind and weather patterns are changing, affecting seabirds through direct impacts on flight and indirect effects across a range of spatiotemporal scales from individual wing beats to population processes. Advances in tagging technology have allowed animal location, environmental factors and physiological parameters to be measured simultaneously. Contributions to this Theme Section bring together recent developments in biologging, as well as atmospheric modelling and statistical and theoretical ecology to better understand the links between wind and seabird morphology, movement, energetics and life-history characteristics.
Thorne LH, Clay TA, Phillips RA, Silvers LG, Wakefield ED
Effects of wind on the movement, behavior, energetics, and life history of seabirds
MEPS 723:73-117 | Full text in pdf format
Schoombie S, Wilson RP, Ryan PG
Wind driven effects on the fine-scale flight behaviour of dynamic soaring wandering albatrosses
MEPS 723:119-134 | Full text in pdf format
Keys DZ, Pistorius PA, Tremblay Y, Thiebault A
Both wind and flying with conspecifics influence the flight dynamics of a seabird
MEPS 723:135-149 | Full text in pdf format
Campioni L, Ventura F, Granadeiro JP, Madeiros J, Gjerdrum C, Silva MC
Combining bio-logging, stable isotopes and DNA metabarcoding to reveal the foraging ecology and diet of the Endangered Bermuda petrel Pterodroma cahow
MEPS 723:151-170 | Full text in pdf format
Garde B, Fell A, Krishnan K, Jones CG, Gunner R, Tatayah V, Cole NC, Lempidakis E, Shepard ELC
Thermal soaring in tropicbirds suggests that diverse seabirds may use this strategy to reduce flight costs
MEPS 723:171-183 | Full text in pdf format
van Erp J, Sage E, Bouten W, van Loon E, Camphuysen KCJ, Shamoun-Baranes J
Thermal soaring over the North Sea and implications for wind farm interactions
MEPS 723:185-200 | Full text in pdf format
Kumagai A, Kazama K, Mikami K, Watanuki Y
Black-tailed gulls alter their flight height and airspeed according to wind conditions during their coastal commuting trips
MEPS 723:201-212 | Full text in pdf format
Schoombie J, Schoombie S, Connan M, Jones CW, Risi M, Craig KJ, Smith L, Ryan PG, Shepard ELC
Impact of wind on crash-landing mortality in grey-headed albatrosses Thalassarche chrysostoma breeding on Marion Island
MEPS 723:213-225 | Full text in pdf format