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Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

    DAO prepress abstract   -  DOI:

    Relationship between skin and body condition in three species of baleen whales

    Joyce Neves, Séverine Methion*, Bruno Díaz López

    *Corresponding author:

    ABSTRACT: The assessment of free-ranging cetacean health through the study of skin conditions using photographs has gained prominence in recent years. However, little attention has been given to the relationship between cetacean skin conditions, species, and body condition. To explore this relationship among baleen whale species along the Northwestern coast of Spain, we employed a non-invasive method involving photograph analysis. In this study, we examined skin conditions (including, injuries, epizoites and ectoparasites, pigmentation disorders, skin lesions and anatomical malformations) and body condition (overall physical contours and form, as an indicator of nutritional status and health) in three species of whales. This methodology facilitated the identification of 29 subcategories of distinct skin conditions and an assessment of body condition across three species (blue, fin, and minke whales) over a five-year period (2017-2021). In our study, we present evidence linking hypopigmentation, protruding pieces, and tattoo-like lesions to “Poor” body condition in the three baleen whale species. Fin whales exhibited a higher susceptibility to mottling (pi = 17.7%), while blue whales were more prone to starbursts (pi = 90.5%). Additionally, we found a significant relationship between the Skin Condition Diversity and individual body condition. Our findings contribute with valuable information to the broader understanding of the health status of baleen whales. Further investigations are necessary to delve into the etiology of the documented skin conditions and their potential implications for individual survival. This study serves as a foundation for ongoing research aimed at advancing our comprehension of these findings.