Inter-Research > ESEP > Prepress Abstract
Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics

    ESEP prepress abstract   -  DOI:

    Environmental ethics under commercialization of urban agriculture

    Kinanti Indah Safitri*, Oekan S Abdoellah, Budhi Gunawan, Pampang Parikesit

    *Corresponding author:

    ABSTRACT: This research investigates the commercialization of urban agriculture, which is increasingly recognized not only for enhancing food security but also for its economic potential. This trend towards prioritizing profit stems from commercialization driven by market dynamics and various stakeholders. The study explores how this commercialization influences agricultural practices, either in alignment with or in conflict with environmental ethics. A qualitative methodology was employed, engaging 43 participants through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The findings indicate that global elite actors and specific policy frameworks significantly impact the commodification of urban agricultural products. On a global scale, this commercialization fosters policy development aimed at promoting environmental sustainability, leading to production methods that align more closely with environmental principles. Conversely, the local context presents a different scenario, where farmers cultivating sloped land without perennial crops often rely on artificial inputs and contaminated irrigation water. Local producers face constraints imposed by contractual relationships with intermediaries who play a significant role in the production process.