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The flatback turtle (Natator depressus) is endemic to Australia, and all known breeding sites occur only there. Flatback turtles have the smallest migratory range of any marine turtle species and nest on inshore islands and on the shores of the Australian mainland from Mon Repos in southern Queensland to Exmouth in the north of Western Australia. They are under threat from a range of impacts associated with artificial light, predation from introduced animals, climate change, marine debris, and other factors. Flatback turtles are listed as Vulnerable under Australian legislation. In response, research and conservation efforts relating to flatback turtles have expanded over the past decade, for example via the North West Shelf Flatback Turtle Conservation Program and locally organised community groups, to inform the management of the species for the future. For this Special, we invite contributions from any discipline that provide new knowledge to support the current and future management of flatback turtles in Australia.
If you wish to contribute your work to this Special, please select the “FLAT” Section when you submit your manuscript online and mention in your cover letter that you are interested to have your work included in this Special.
Articles belonging to this Special will be published upon completion in the respective volume of ESR. They will be listed below as well as on the contents page of the respective volume of publication.
For questions, contact Christine Paetzold (Managing Editor) .
Organizers: Alistair Hobday, Chris Cvitanovic, Ingrid van Putten
Editors: Alistair Hobday (Guest Editor), Chris Cvitanovic (Guest Editor), Ingrid van Putten (Guest Editor), Mark Hamann, Brendan J. Godley
Status: Submissions closed.
Wilson P, Pattiaratchi C, Whiting S, Ferreira LC, Fossette S, Pendoley K, Thums M
Predicting core areas of flatback turtle hatchlings and potential exposure to threats
ESR 52:129-147 | Full text in pdf format
van Putten IE, Cvitanovic C, Tuohy P, Annand-Jones R, Dunlop M, Hobday AJ, Thomas L, Richards SA
A focus on flatback turtles: the social acceptability of conservation interventions in two Australian case studies
ESR 52:189-201 | Full text in pdf format
Tuohy P, Richards SA, Cvitanovic C, van Putten I, Hobday AJ, Thomas L, Annand-Jones R
Social acceptability of conservation interventions for flatback turtles: comparing expert and public perceptions
ESR 53:1-12 | Full text in pdf format
Abrantes K, Wildermann N, Miller IB, Hamann M, Limpus CJ, Madden Hof CA, Bell I, Sheaves M, Barnett A
Intraspecific variability in flatback turtle habitat use: δ15N as an indicator of foraging locations
ESR 53:167-180 | Full text in pdf format
Young EJ, Warren KS, Whiting SD, Stephens NS, Bruce M, Donaldson R, Jackson B, Yeap L, Vaughan-Higgins R
Haematologic and plasma biochemical reference intervals for flatback turtles Natator depressus
ESR 53:181-198 | Full text in pdf format
Richards SA, Cvitanovic C, Dunlop M, Fossette S, Thomas L, Tucker AD, van Putten EI, Whiting AU, Whiting SD, Hobday AJ
Identifying impactful sea turtle conservation strategies: a mismatch between most influential and most readily manageable life-stages
ESR 54:15-278 | Full text in pdf format
Hobday AJ, van Putten EI, Cvitanovic C, Dunlop M, Fossette S, Ison S, Richards SA, Thomas L, Tuohy P, Annand-Jones R, Tucker T, Whiting S
Flatback futures—evaluating conservation interventions to reduce threats to an endemic Australian turtle
ESR 54:29-40 | Full text in pdf format