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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 566 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 566 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2017 Inter-Research. Published February 27

Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by are freely available to all users.
Zimmerman RC, Hill VJ, Jinuntuya M, Celebi B, Ruble D, Smith M, Cedeno T, Swingle WM
Experimental impacts of climate warming and ocean carbonation on eelgrass Zostera marina
MEPS 566:1-15 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format


Meyer KS, Brooke SD, Sweetman AK, Wolf M, Young CM
Invertebrate communities on historical shipwrecks in the western Atlantic: relation to islands
MEPS 566:17-29 | Full text in pdf format

Santelli A, Cvitković I, Despalatović M, Fabi G, Grati F, Marčeta B, Punzo E, Raicevich S, Strafella P, Spagnolo A, Tassetti AN, Scarcella G
Spatial persistence of megazoobenthic assemblages in the Adriatic Sea
MEPS 566:31-48 | Full text in pdf format

Walpersdorf E, Kühl M, Elberling B, Andersen TJ, Hansen BU, Pejrup M, Glud RN
In situ oxygen dynamics and carbon turnover in an intertidal sediment (Skallingen, Denmark)
MEPS 566:49-65 | Full text in pdf format

Piontkovski SA, Queste BY, Al-Hashmi KA, Al-Shaaibi A, Bryantseva YV, Popova EA
Subsurface algal blooms of the northwestern Arabian Sea
MEPS 566:67-78 | Full text in pdf format

Haavisto F, Koivikko R, Jormalainen V
Defensive role of macroalgal phlorotannins: benefits and trade-offs under natural herbivory
MEPS 566:79-90 | Full text in pdf format

McKeown NJ, Hauser L, Shaw PW
Microsatellite genotyping of brown crab Cancer pagurus reveals fine scale selection and ‘non-chaotic’ genetic patchiness within a high gene flow system
MEPS 566:91-103 | Full text in pdf format

Bodmer MDV, Wheeler PM, Hendrix AM, Cesarano DN, East AS, Exton DA
Interacting effects of temperature, habitat and phenotype on predator avoidance behaviour in Diadema antillarum: implications for restorative conservation
MEPS 566:105-115 | Full text in pdf format

Dillon EM, Norris RD, O’Dea A
Dermal denticles as a tool to reconstruct shark communities
MEPS 566:117-134 | Full text in pdf format

Henderson CJ, Olds AD, Lee SY, Gilby BL, Maxwell PS, Connolly RM, Stevens T
Marine reserves and seascape context shape fish assemblages in seagrass ecosystems
MEPS 566:135-144 | Full text in pdf format

Zubak I, Kruschel C, Schultz ST
Predators structure fish communities in Posidonia oceanica meadows: meta-analysis of available data across the Mediterranean basin
MEPS 566:145-157 | Full text in pdf format

Sohel S, Mattila J, Lindström K
Effects of turbidity on prey choice of three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus
MEPS 566:159-167 | Full text in pdf format

Daly EA, Brodeur RD, Auth TD
Anomalous ocean conditions in 2015: impacts on spring Chinook salmon and their prey field
MEPS 566:169-182 | Full text in pdf format

Copeman LA, Laurel BJ, Spencer M, Sremba A
Temperature impacts on lipid allocation among juvenile gadid species at the Pacific Arctic−Boreal interface: an experimental laboratory approach
MEPS 566:183-198 | Full text in pdf format

Fox CH, Huettmann FH, Harvey GKA, Morgan KH, Robinson J, Williams R, Paquet PC
Predictions from machine learning ensembles: marine bird distribution and density on Canada’s Pacific coast
MEPS 566:199-216 | Full text in pdf format

Decker C, Hassani S, Jezequel MD, Rault C, Dumas C, Méheust E, Alfonsi E, Jung JL
Mitochondrial DNA reveals historical maternal lineages and a postglacial expansion of the grey seal in European waters
MEPS 566:217-227 | Full text in pdf format

Hoskins AJ, Schumann N, Costa DP, Arnould JPY
Foraging niche separation in sympatric temperate-latitude fur seal species
MEPS 566:229-241 | Full text in pdf format

Knox TC, Baylis AMM, Arnould JPY
Habitat use and diving behaviour of male Australian fur seals
MEPS 566:243-256 | Full text in pdf format