Martin B, Vafeiadou AM, Boon N, De Troch M
Benthic copepod guts as a selective microbial microhabitat in marine sediments
MEPS 756:19-29 | Full text in pdf format
Li C, Liu H
Modeling larval recruitment dynamics of eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica with implications for restoration and management of oyster fisheries
MEPS 756:31-49 | Full text in pdf format
Vanderstichel R, Boyd C, Delargy A, Lego C, Mosher J, Penney C, Sarty M, Stokesbury K
Effect of trap soak times on risk of bycatch from offshore lobster Homarus americanus fishing operations in southwest Nova Scotia, Canada
MEPS 756:51-69 | Full text in pdf format
Zvi-Kedem T, Martinez S, Shemesh E, Lalzar M, Guy-Haim T, Sisma-Ventura G, Makovsky Y, Tchernov D, Rubin-Blum M
Shark eggs contribute to the trophic ecology of a cold-seep chemosynthetic ecosystem
MEPS 756:71-81 | Full text in pdf format
Pires da Rocha P, Marsili T, Barkai A, Figueiredo I, Dias E, Modesto T, Relvas P, Teodósio A, Graca Aranha S
Remote monitoring of the bycatch of demersal chondrichthyans using video imagery: a case study from a deep-water crustacean trawler
MEPS 756:83-94 | Full text in pdf format
Yasutake YC, McCormick MI, Spinks R, Donelson JM
Thermal history influences reproduction but not offspring quality in a coral reef fish
MEPS 756:95-109 | Full text in pdf format
Parietti M, Giorgini M, Menna BV, Orlando P, Buratti CC
Seasonal patterns in the distribution of Engraulis anchoita in the North Patagonian Continental Shelf of Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
MEPS 756:111-126 | Full text in pdf format
Reaves M, Powers S, Emslie SD
Using multiple-stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S) to assess past and present Adélie penguin foraging grounds in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica
MEPS 756:127-141 | Full text in pdf format