Dykman LN, Tepolt CK, Blend CK, Mullineaux LSDiscovery of indirect parasite life cycles at deep-sea hydrothermal vents MEPS 755:1-14 | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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King BGC, Cote D, Gregory RS, Snelgrove PVR, Devine BM, Morris CJ, Angnatok J
Comparing demersal fish and large mobile decapod crustacean assemblages in nearshore marine habitats across a boreal-sub-Arctic gradient using baited cameras
MEPS 755:29-44 | Full text in pdf format
Sullaway GH, Cunningham C, Kimmel DG, Nielsen JM, Pilcher D, Pinchuk AI, Stabeno PJ
Impacts of climate change on Bering Sea copepod phenology and reproductive strategy
MEPS 755:45-61 | Full text in pdf format
O’Dell AR, Baxter JM, Moore PJ, Smale DA, Smeaton C, Davies IM, Burrows MT
Anaerobic decomposition dynamics of three kelp species from the North-east Atlantic: implications for blue carbon storage
MEPS 755:63-77 | Full text in pdf format
Fernández F, Guzmán-Rivas F, Urzúa Á, Landaeta MF, Fusi M, Baldanzi S
Maternal investment of kelp crabs from central Chile is associated with the level of environmental fluctuations and predictability
MEPS 755:79-93 | Full text in pdf format
Saunders RA, Ratcliffe N, Farrell ED, Clarke MW
Migration and space use by porbeagle sharks Lamna nasus in the northeast Atlantic
MEPS 755:95-114 | Full text in pdf format
Heße E, Boyi JO, Das K, Jung K, Lehnert K, Piette M, Pinzone M, Schückel S, Schückel U, Siebert U, Gilles A
A multi-method approach reveals long- and short-term dietary differences in individual harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena in the southern North Sea
MEPS 755:115-132 | Full text in pdf format
Cusson PO, Bordeleau X, Hammill MO, Pelletier F
Multidecadal changes in home range characteristics of grey seals in a context of environmental changes and population growth in the Northwest Atlantic
MEPS 755:133-150 | Full text in pdf format
Wing LC, Wing SR, Kinaston R, Sabadel AJM
Sentinels of change: divergence in trophic niche of New Zealand sea lions and fur seals from first human contact to today
MEPS 755:151-162 | Full text in pdf format
Johnston DT, Humphreys EM, Davies JG, Evans T, Howells R, Pearce-Higgins JW
Current understanding of how climate change affects seabirds varies between regions and species in the North-East Atlantic
MEPS 755:163-177 | Full text in pdf format